Sunday, August 1, 2010

Criminology and Psychology

How to Notice the Difference between Criminology and Psychology

Psychology is the scientific study of an individual’s behaviors and thoughts as a basis for their personality and reactionary processes. There are many reasons that a person may be studied by a psychologist. Sometimes, the people who are being studied are simply trying to find ways to move past a particular feeling or longing that they cannot seem to let go of on their own. By using psychology and investing in the help that they can receive from a psychologist, a person can be shown the different ways in which they approach situations and learn to react differently and redefine their approaches to problems or stressors. In learning different habits as reaction processes, a person can learn to overcome different problems or feelings that they may have not been able to do at an earlier time, before being studied in the psychology field. Psychologists tend to amass the information that they are able to gather from different subjects in order to learn about how the human mind operates in a general sense. The information can be used also to notice the similarities and differences that exist between the individual mind and assessment of life.

While Criminology is also the study of an individual’s behavior and thought process, there is a specific outcome that is being sought by the criminologist. The individual’s actions and thoughts are being investigated in order to learn how that individual is able to either overcome or succumb to the different elements of crime that exist within an environment. There are many different thoughts surrounding how a criminal comes to be. Some believe a criminal is born with the natural instinct to be deviant while others believe that the criminal element is nurtured within an individual by specific environmental aspects. Criminologists are often in the pursuit of why and how a person is able to act out in a way that is either hurtful to themselves or others. They use their knowledge in order to provide a safe and comforting environment for the general public.

Psychological criminology is a specific branch of criminology that combines these two perspectives. By using psychology as the only basis for the invention of the individual, criminologists are able to generate a profile of the perpetrator. In looking at an individual’s actions or behavior patterns, psychological criminologists are able to see into the personality of the individual that is being tracked or studied. This can help criminologists to analyze the pattern in order to cut the perpetrator off before they are able to perform their next criminal act, if the individual is still on the loose, or it can help the criminologist to understand how the crime came to be, in effect determining the motive for the crime. However, psychological criminologists are typically not the ones who will help criminals to move beyond their behavioral or mental deviants. Instead, they generally use their knowledge in order to help others understand what the criminal did and why, effectively helping to get answers out of the criminal that may be useful or necessary.

By analyzing the mind, both criminologists and psychologists are attempting to gain insight into the individual. While in some instances this is being done for the benefit of the individual, in other instances this is being done in order to keep the public at large safe from the individual.

Canadian Journal of Criminology

Why Consult the Canadian Journal of Criminology

Undergraduates are required to take a number of different courses during their schooling. Before the students can graduate with a degree in Criminology, certain criteria needs to be met. While the specific criteria can vary from school to school, there are some minimum requirements that the students need to meet regardless of where the go to school in order to receive their degree. Many people may end up being surprised by the number of different fields in which the Criminology major must spend time, but this is all part of the learning process that will eventually allow the individual to become well rounded in many areas, perfectly suited for the many roles in which criminologists function by combining insights about different categories in order to piece together a puzzle. Criminal elements are unique a fair amount of the time, and it is through the schooling process involving the individual in fields that extend past comfortable boundaries in which the student will be able to learn the most. In addition to taking classes about law, government, politics, sociology, anthropology and psychiatry, many students will also need to take classes in chemistry or some other science.

Over the course of their studies, students will come to realize that there are a number of papers that they will need to write and turn in to their professors. This will require them to come up with a compelling thesis and have enough evidence to support the thesis. As a method of support, many professors encourage or demand the use of outside sources. For over a decade, the internet has been a very popular choice as a resource for material to use when students have papers due. In college and graduate programs, however, many professors will allow some internet sources, but not all. There are a number of journals that an individual can use in order to expertly back up their thesis. The Canadian Journal of Criminology is one such effective journal. It is widely available in most libraries due to the fact that it is a particularly useful source for articles and documents outlining the theories, concerns and solution ideas of the authors that contribute to the journal. There are a number of articles that focus on Canada and the crime element in the specific county, but there are some more far reaching articles as well. Looking at different environments and results helps individuals to look at the scenarios objectively in order to come up with ideas as to why crime exists in certain geographical locations and what contributes to the criminal element within the individual mind.

By enabling many people to contribute to the Canadian Journal of Criminology, the publishers are able to enjoy their journal being used as a reference source much more. It expands the environment to which the journal is describing, effective expanding their target audience. By using such journals as the Canadian Journal of Criminology, students can be assured that they are using a reputable source as a supplier of information for their term papers. Unfortunately in too many cases, sources on the internet do not have the same kind of reputable backing as the Canadian Journal of Criminology has.

British Journal of Criminology

Exploring the British Journal of Criminology

There are a number of studies and journals that are involved in the discussion of criminology. One of the most widely read and well reputed journals that study and examine criminology would be the British Journal of Criminology. Quality pieces and articles that are contributed from sources from around the world are gathered in issues of the British Journal of Criminology. It is very easy for individuals, either from a scholarly or academic perspective or even those from a researcher’s perspective, to use the British Journal of Criminology as a reference source because of the reputation that the Journal has. However, it does not just expose the work of different academics, but also publishes articles that peers write and have reviewed, as well as a book review segment within the Journal.

The British Journal of Criminology has its publishing basis within the United Kingdom, but its shipment range is much more expansive and in fact spans the entire globe. Regardless of their place of residency in the world, individuals can subscribe to the British Journal of Criminology. Even if an individual does not wish to subscribe to the British Journal of Criminology, it is also fairly easy to locate the Journal at libraries. Many back issues are supported in the libraries because of the notoriety that it receives in the literary world as well as in the world of the criminologist. Regardless of whether or not an individual is able or willing to secure a subscription to the British Journal of Criminology, the many different articles that are featured can have a profound effect on the individuals that read them. There are a number of different topics that are explored with each issue, and this allows the reader to learn about various aspects of the human mind when it is exposed to crime, and crime’s effect on the community. Some of the perspectives that the articles deal with include criminology’s relationship with sociology, anthropology, law, social fields and social work, and economics. By exploring the different ways in which these varying and equally important aspects play out in crime and within the criminal mind, individuals are able to broaden the ways in which they relate to and experience crime and the individual criminal, at least on an intellectual level.

Many instances exist in which an individual would want to reference the different thoughts and feelings expressed within the British Journal of Criminology. Sometimes a student will need to cite different sources in order to back up a particular thesis or type of thought which can be improved by some of the articles that have been published in the Journal. In other instances, the thoughts and ideas of others can be built upon in order to further define an individual’s belief of crime and the criminal element. By establishing a theory with supporting elements, it is possible for an individual that was published in the journal to be contacted and asked to help in a criminal case. In many instances, this is done on the part of the author by elaborating on the conclusions that they have come to in their article or journal pieces.

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